The anime has been licensed by Funimation Entertainment in North America. The franchise revolves around groups of female shinobi, and has received manga and anime adaptations. The ever-humble One-Punch Man artist also said he wants to make videos for other works besides this one, and would “like to study more and add voices and sound effects. Senran Kagura (Japanese: ) is a video game series created by Kenichiro Takaki, produced by Marvelous and mostly developed by Tamsoft.
5 girls with abnormally sized breasts try to battle another group of girls who hate them for, reasons. It’s unclear whether or not they’re manga assistants or if they worked on the Go! Saitama short, but either way this brief piece is more impressive than all of season two. Senran Kagura: Ninja Flash: With Hitomi Harada, Asami Imai, Kaori Mizuhashi, Yuka Iguchi. Murata is credited as director of the short-with ONE credited as the series creator for One-Punch Man-and Murata also listed 10 staff members. Share Anime Images, Pictures, Screencaps and Wallpapers. Japanese commenters were quick to point out the quality, saying stuff like “You made something this incredible because you ‘had some time on your hands?!?’” and “This is so polished and dynamic!” One bowed to Murata with the comment, “You’re a god,” while another said, “This is way beyond the level of something someone just puts together in their spare time.”